Introduced: 1930’s, Japan.
A Japanese apple bred from American varieties, with a satisfying crunch and sweet-tart flavor.
Late season – Fresh
Blushing Star Peach
With white flesh covered in a pink blush, this peach tastes as good as it looks. Late ripening. Freestone.
Blazing Star Peach
Sweet, tangy, and cold-hardy, the Blazing Star is one of the best varieties to grow in the North. Early ripening. Semi-clingstone.
Candor Peach
This is the kind of peach that you don’t need to break out the sugar for. It’s sweet and the acidity is quite low.
Coral Star Peach
Large, firm, and juicy, the Coral Star is slow to brown and holds flavor very well in storage. Mid-season ripening. Freestone.
Contender Peach
Orange and pink, this North Carolinian peach is large and sweet. Mid Season ripening. Freestone.
Garnet Beauty Peach
An offspring of the Red Haven, the Garnet Beauty is mildly acidic and balanced. Yellow fleshed. Early ripening. Freestone.
Harrow Beauty Peach
It has a nice balance of acidity, sweetness, and peach flavor.
Manon Peach
This white-fleshed selection is firm and semi-freestone, with excellent low-acid flavor.
Madison Peach
This high-quality fruit has slightly fibrous, firm, orange-yellow flesh that tastes great and is very juicy! Because its fruit is so tender you rarely see it in grocery stores, The fruit are excellent for slicing and having with a bit of cream or for any of your baking and canning recipes. Mid-season ripening. Freestone.
Montmorency Cherry
A tart, cold-hardy cherry that is very popular in pies.
Bright red and rich in flavor!
Chester Blackberry
Large and juicy, Chester blackberries are a reliable summer crop in Vermont. Certified Organic by VOF.
Raritan Rose Peach
One of the firmest white-fleshed peaches, the Raritan Rose has been popular since its creation in the 1920s. Mid-season ripening. Freestone.
Kristin Sweet Cherry
The dark red fruit has a firm, meaty, juicy flesh, with sweet and richly aromatic flavor and with very good eating quality.
Jubileum Cherry
Sweet and tart, this dark red cherry is great fresh or in pies. It also juices very well.
Hedelfigen Sweet Cherry
A lovely deep red cherry, the Hedelfigen is great for fresh eating and freezes remarkably well.
Hartland Cherry
This slightly sweet, dark red cherry is excellent fresh and loves the Vermont climate.
Gold Sweet Cherry
The sweet and tangy flavor will make these cherries a favorite snack in your home.
Black Gold Sweet Cherry
The fruit is very dark, deep red, almost black, and has a sweet, strong flavor. The flesh is firm and dark purple in color. These cherries are ideal for eating right off the tree and can be frozen to preserve the crop for winter use.
Balaton Cherry
Similar to Montmorency, this Hungarian cherry is bright red, firm, and large.
Bing Sweet Cherry
The variety, known for large, dark mahogany fruit that is firm, sweet and juicy. Excellent for eating fresh, canning or preserves.
Vision Plum
Vision is a late-season Canadian blue/black plum. The plums are very large and have a particularly sweet flavor – it is probably one of the best-flavored Canadian plums.
Valor Plum
A traditional Italian-style European plum that’s only the size of a golfball! Sweet with yellow flesh
Stanley Plum
The Stanley is the go-to for European plums. It is medium to large fruit with dark blue skin and yellow-green flesh. It can be identified by its distinct neck.
Long John Plum
This elongated, large European-style plum features aromatic freestone, golden flesh.
Bluebyrd Plum
From West Virginia, the Bluebird plum is firm, sweet and highly productive.
Castleton Plum
An excellent, firm plum that has a tangy skin and sweet flesh.
An English plum that originated in 1901, the President is notable for its large size, fine yellow flesh and slightly acidic finish. Late ripening.
Fantasia Nectarine
A popular, large, yellow freestone that’s firm when ripe, but oh, so juicy. The taste is sweet, but tangy, and very rich.
Silver Gem Nectarine
Bright red and balanced with cream-colored flesh, the Silver Gem is a lovely clingstone nectarine.
Red Gold Nectarine
Tangy and sweet, the Red Gold is a very popular, lovely nectarine.
White Lady Peach
Creamy white with a lovely pink blush, this peach is a crowd pleaser.
Mid-season ripening.
Emeraude Nectarine
Large, brightly colored, and not too tart, Emeraude is a classic freestone nectarine.
Veteran Peach
A reliable yellow-fleshed peach that freezes very well.
Late Ripening.
Starfire Peach
Very reliable cropping with a beautiful orange skin and a sweet flavor.
Early ripening.
Stark's Summer Pearl
The “pearl white” flesh is firm, yet tender and juicy-it’s good fresh, ideal for canning.
Reliance Peach
Fruit is medium-to-large with a sweet, peachy flavor.
Redhaven Peach
A blue-ribbon, all-purpose peach. Luscious, top-quality fruit is great as a fresh snack or for canning and freezing.
Yoinashi Pear
This Asian Pear is fine-textured, crisp, crunchy, juicy, sweet and flavorful.
Olympic Pear
A very large Asian Pear with wonderful texture, flavor, and keeping abilities, Olympics are a grower’s favorite.
Shinseiki Pear
The Shinseiki pear is a round fruit with yellow skin stippled with tan. It is a firm, crunchy variety with a sweet flavor and hints of spice.
Shinko Pear
Sweet and juicy with a brandy aroma and a firm texture. Excellent quality, flavorful and refreshing fruit that is crisp like an apple.
Hosui Pear
Sweet and crispy, this Asian pear sports beautifully russetted skin and a tangy finish.
Niitaka Pear
Sweet like bourbon, caramel, or vanilla and incredibly juicy. One of the best pears around.
Kosui Pear
With a crisp, crunchy flesh that hides a lot of juice, Kosui pears are truly a classic Asian pear. Like all other Asian Pears, they require delicate handling.
Seckel Pear
The size of a small plum, seckel pears are sometimes known as Candy pears for their remarkably sweet flavor. Tear drop shaped with green skin that blushes red when ripe. Quite possibly the only true American pear, discovered in the 1800s in Pennsylvania.
Sunrise Pear
These beautiful yellow pears with a slight blush are juicy, aromatic and sweet. Fruit is good for eating fresh or making desserts.
Shenandoah Pear
This large, knobby fruit is best known for its spicy, aromatic flavor.